Bacteria are all around us. Most of them are good and protect us, but some can cause irritation or infection. Antibiotics do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria and their use can lead to side effects and resistance. As they have been broadly used - often inappropriately - the emergence of antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' is now a global concern. On the other hand, it has become evident that our microbiome, comprising billions of beneficial bacteria, is necessary for our health and should be left intact.

Micreos develops the world's first targeted antibacterial products, set to replace antibiotics. The company is viewed as global leader spearheading this exciting new field. With Micreos endolysin technology, for the first time we can kill only the unwanted bacteria - including antibiotic resistant strains - while leaving the beneficial bacteria intact. In addition, research shows that the use of endolysins does not induce resistance. This unlocks a completely new approach in dealing with the bacteria around us - also enabling daily use, as long as needed while preserving the important biodiversity on our skin and in our gut. Based on its technology platform, Micreos has launched several products for inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea (brandname: Gladskin) and several food safety products marketed under the Phageguard brand. Micreos is also developing pharmaceutical products. See also

Micreos B.V.

Bacteria are all around us. Most of them are good and protect us, but some can cause irritation or infection. Antibiotics do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria and
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+31 (0) 88 800 7100